GPT Vs Chat GPT – What’s the difference?

There is often a lot of misunderstanding around ChatGPT, GPT and LLMs in general, and the differences between them – here we explain these differences and cover the core concepts. Does Ambit use ChatGPT? No! Ambit does not use ChatGPT as part of our platform. So what’s the difference between GPT and ChatGPT? There is […]
Composable Stacks Vs Monolithic Tech
In enterprise software deployment, the choice of architecture plays a crucial role in the success of a selection. Ambit works with a wide number of organisations, and we highlight two prominent approaches: composable stacks and monolithic tech. Another term for this is single vendor versus multi vendor. By Tim Warren and Richard Pratley Tim Warren is CEO of Ambit. […]
Security and Privacy with GPT

OpenAI’s ChatGPT Models and other similar public tools have the capability to learn and store large amounts of data about its users – especially their input text. While this technology has many benefits, it also raises concerns about privacy and security risks. In this blog, we will discuss the potential risks associated with using OpenGPT […]