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Ambit Blog » Artificial-intelligence
Ash Harder
By Ash Harder
on February 10, 2023

Recent publicity around GPT highlights the potential of the technology to help businesses revolutionise their customer experience according to Ambit.

By Ambit
on August 01, 2022

"You don't know AI." That's the provocative and fascinating statement Tim Warren, Ambit CEO, recently presented at the Research Association Conference and the iMedia Brand Summit. He goes on to discuss how artificial intelligence isn't something that's far away in the future, and how more and more marketing content is now being generated by AI with the oversight of humans.

By Ambit
on November 15, 2021

When people think of Artificial Intelligence, the image most likely to come to mind might be computers playing chess, or a time-travelling robots.

By Tim Warren
on June 17, 2021

Incorporating AI-powered chatbots into online experiences gives marketers a greater range of options for serving customers – from fast, accurate, and consistent, to more nuanced and empathetic, depending on their need.

By Tim Warren
on May 20, 2021

As consumers seek out more personalised experiences online, retailers must find strategies for technology to take the volume while people take care of the value.

Forrester predicts more than 25% of all US retail sales to occur online by 2024, a figure which poses a real challenge to retailers to change their business model to deliver world-class customer experiences at that scale.  

By Ambit
on May 06, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has suddenly thrust digital transformation to the forefront of business needs.

By Ambit
on September 16, 2019

Despite acknowledging the value that AI technology has to offer, stats suggest many enterprise organisations are still lagging behind in its adoption.

By Ambit
on August 29, 2019

The early emergence of Artificial Intelligence is largely credited to computer scientist Alan Turing, who, in 1950, developed the not-so-creatively coined Turing Test. This ‘human evaluator’ was designed to test a machine’s ability to demonstrate intelligent behaviour to the point that it was indistinguishable from that of a human.

By Ambit
on July 22, 2019

A chatbot’s personality forms the basis for the “human” user experience. From start to finish, the way a bot says hello and the way it responds to our frustrations can be phrased in many different ways. 

By Ambit
on July 22, 2019

There’s two strongly recurring themes in the myriad of conversations I’m having with people about artificial intelligence. The first is pervasive interest. I’ve worked in technology for almost 20 years, and nothing until now has generated both the level of interest – and debate.