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Deliver next level
customer experiences

Smart companies take their CX to the next level
by using Conversational AI to serve and effectively
engage with their customers.

Personalise your engagement

Go beyond simple FAQs; delight customers with intelligent, conversational experiences that help chatters achieve their goals, fast.

  • Access personal account information to resolve service or support queries.

  • Up-sell, cross-sell, and promote according to individual requirements.
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24/7 availability

Empower customers to serve themselves, anytime of the day or night, no matter where they are.

  • Enable multichannel customer support through various mediums (voice, chat, live).

  • Replace call waiting time with instant, automated chat experiences.

Make the experience feel effortless

Automate the customer journey based on an individual's personal requirements.

  • Integrate the Ambit platform with your company systems (ERP, CRM, Knowledgebase etc.).

  • Seamlessly transfer to a live chat agent for escalated enquiries.
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Benefits of great conversational CX

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Reduces CAC

Helps customer retention and promotes loyalty, which in turn reduces customer acquisition costs.
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Increases LTV

Encourages brand advocacy which increases customer lifetime-value and sustains company revenue growth.
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Drives ROI

Increases CSAT without budget constraints for head cap which indirectly adds to the bottom line.

Product features

The Ambit platform allows companies to customise and align the customer experience with their brand and business objectives, enpowering them to deliver the best customer experience on any conversational channel.

  • Build interactive virtual agents and chatbots for web, mobile, and social channels.
  • Design sophisticated , scalable conversations using the low-code, no-code Ambit platform.
  • Manage and deliver personalised content to customers.
  • Get insights into customer behavior not available with traditional analytics.
  • Answer client customers’ questions 24/7, and improve overall satisfaction.

Don't just take our word for it

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66% of customers will change brands to be treated like a name, not a number.


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86% of buyers will pay more for great customer experience.


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By 2020 customer experience will overtake price and product as the key differentiator.


Book a meeting

Have a conversation about ways to improve your customer experience with one of our consultants.