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Why Ambit

We built the Ambit platform to empower businesses
to have customer conversations that matter through a
realistic and automated chat experience.

Take your customer service experience to the next level

Ambit's AI-powered chatbots deliver automated customer service at scale to help your business maximise revenue, reduce costs and better engage customers.


Maximise revenue

Take advantage of new sales channels and automate lead generation; Provide personalised and engaging conversations that drive conversions.
Why Ambit_Maximise revenue
Why Ambit_Reduce costs

Reduce costs

Reduce the cost to serve your customers by automating repetitive tasks and free up your staff to add value where it matters the most.


Superior CX

Deliver a modern, world-class customer experience; Instantly provide the answers your customers need 24/7 to boost customer satisfaction, and increase loyalty.
Why Ambit_Superior CX

Benefits for business



Our easy-to-use tools empower you to design, build, test and deploy sophisticated chatbots in record time, shortening time-to-value and allowing you to realise ROI almost immediately.

Scalable solution

Scalable solution

You need a solution that scales with your current systems and business processes. The Ambit platform is designed for scale and rapid delivery - allowing you to move faster without dependence on IT timelines and resources.
Employee experience

Employee experience

With Ambit, eliminate mundane, low-value repetitive tasks and free up staff to focus on more meaningful work to improve employee experience. Happy staff create better experiences for your customers.

Here to help every step of the way



A design workshop kicks off the project where you build a character persona and the conversations required to effectively connect with your users.


Our specialist conversation designers then get to work to build the chatbot we’ve designed for you on the Ambit platform.


This is then tested, iterated, and then launched onto your chosen conversation channels. Watch your engagement scores climb!


Just like a human employee, an AI chatbot learns over time, so we’ll be there to support the success of your project along the way.

Book a meeting

Chat with us to learn how Ambit's AI-powered chatbot platform can
automate customer service at scale to reduce costs and increase sales.